zen nudist
JoinedTopics Started by zen nudist
Are you at peace with God?
by JH in.
by telling us that we shall be destroyed at armageddon, and that we live a life that god doesn't approve of, the jw's are trying to make us believe that we are at odds with god.. were they successful?
How do JW know they have the Truth?
by Noggin inbreif background: i am an ex mormon.
that church preaches that through powerful feelings sent by god, one can know the truth of the book of mormon.
highly reliable, right?
Who here is still left from h20?
by GermanXJW ini wonder how many here have already posted on the old h20 hourglass outpost-board?
it started to be a reform website and was one of the first sites i dared to register.
took some time for me to see the truth.
Is There Any JW Belief That You Still Believe In?
by minimus inwould you have any qualms about taking blood??
do you believe in a paradise earth?
do you think there is only one "truth"?
If the New Testament included only the Gospels.....
by Spectrum in.... what would christianity be like today had the rest of the nt been rejected or turned into apocrypha?
was christ's teaching enough to give momentum to this religion beyond the first christians?
or did christ's teaching need augmenting with pauline doctrines?
Just something i have to get off myself
by nevaagain inhello guys, first of all i am a jw.
i think my last and only post on this board was a couple of years ago when i wasnt active at all.
in the mean time i got better, i might not be as active as i should be, but i still try to do my best.
Who really has the "TRUTH"???
by architect ineven if all else looks bad, due to the fact that jw's preach the goodnews of the kingdom in harmony with matt 28, doesn't this make them the true religion since technically no other religion can make this claim?
New WT publication encourages "questioning"
by Smiles inmany here have been reproved or disfellowshiped for asking questions about the bible and the jw interpretation of it.. after encouraging the asking of questions, one of the newest wt publications states: "others worry that asking questions could lead to shame or embarrassment.
and some decide that such questions are best left to religious leaders and teachers.
that quote is found in the first chapter of the new publication that all congregations will begin studying each week at their congregation book study.